1984年获第三军医大学医学学士学位并留校工作,1990年赴多伦多大学从事研究工作,1996年获神经科学博士学位,1999年获加拿大医学基金会百年纪念高级博士后奖,2000年被聘为多伦多大学生理系助理教授及西方医院西方研究所科学家, 并获《加拿大国家医学基金会Scholarship奖》及《加拿大国家心脏和中风基金会Scholarship奖》。2006年被聘为多伦多大学西方医院西方研究所资深科学家, 2008年被聘为美国内华达大学医学院生理系Tenure终身教职。2014年被聘为美国加州大学Davis分校生物化学和分子医学系荣誉教授。2007年获国家自然科学基金会“海外杰出青年”称号,2011年被聘为湖北省“百人计划”特聘专家,2013年被聘为武汉大学医学部副部长及武汉大学医学院教授,同年被授予湖北省“医学领军人才”称号。2014年获武汉东湖高新区“3551光谷人才计划创业人才”称号。2017年被聘为青岛大学医学部副主任及神经再生与康复研究院院长。2018年被聘为青岛大学医学部常务副部长。长期从事脑疾病(如:脑卒中)发生机制及治疗的研究,在脑损伤保护、干细胞再生与修复、神经递质受体功能、学习与记忆分子机制等研究方向上做出了一系列贡献。在Nature, Nature Medicine,Nature Neuroscience,Trends in Neuroscience,PNAS, Stem Cells,Stroke等期刊发表SCI论文80余篇,单篇论文引用率高达400余次。研究工作受到美国和加拿大国家健康研究所、美国和加拿大国家心脏和中风基金会、加拿大国家巴金森病基金会、中国国家自然科学基金会及科技部面上及重点研发计划项目的资助。首创干细胞仪器治疗新策略,研制了一种促内源性神经干细胞脑卒中治疗仪,并形成可穿戴治疗+预誓+物联网一体化产品。基于团队原创发现进行脑卒中创新药物设计,合成了全新脑卒中治疗先导化合物和脑保护小肽。申请并获得多项国家发明专利。担任国家自然科学基金会“优青”医学组二审组长、国家自然科学基金会“神经科学组”二审组长。担任“国家重点研发计划干细胞及转化研究专项”“教育部科技奖”“工信部人工智能产业创新重点任务揭榜项目”“华夏医学科技奖”终审评委专家。担任“中国医疗保健国际交流促进会”常务理事、“中国国际神经外科协会”学术委员、“中国研究型医院学会”生物治疗专业委员会委员。应邀作为多个国际期刊及基金会的评审专家。
1. Chen SF, Pan MX, Tang JC, Cheng J, Zhao D, Zhang Y, Liao HB, Liu R, Zhuang Y, Zhang ZF, Chen J, Lei RX, Li SF, Li HT, Wang ZF*, Wan Q*. Arginine is neuroprotective through suppressing HIF-1α/LDHA-mediated inflammatory response after cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury. Molecular Brain. 2020 Apr 22;13(1):63
2. Li C, Xu X, Wang Z, Wang Y, Luo L, Cheng J, Chen S, Liu H, Wan Q*, Wang Q*. Exercise ameliorates post-stroke depression by inhibiting PTEN elevation-mediated upregulation of TLR4/NF-κB/NLRP3 signaling in mice. Brain Research. 2020; 11:146777
3. Cheng J, Tang JC, Pan MX, Chen SF, Zhao D, Zhang Y, Liao HB, Zhuang Y, Lei RX, Wang S, Liu AC, Chen J, Zhang ZH, Li HT, Wan Q*, Chen QX*. PTEN inhibition Protects Against Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage-Induced Brain Injury through PTEN/E2F1/β-catenin pathway. Experimental Neurology. 2020;327:113214
4. Zhao D, Qin XP, Chen SF, Liao XY, Cheng J, Liu R, Lei Y, Zhang ZF, Wan Q*. PTEN inhibition Protects Against Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage-Induced Brain Injury through PTEN/E2F1/β-catenin pathway. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 2019; |doi.org/10.3389/fnmol.2019.00281
5. Yuan M, Zhu H, Chen J, Zhao D, Wan Q, Zhang Z. A novel squaramide compound alleviates cognitive deficits through activation of Akt and Erk1/2 in a rat model of vascular dementia. J Integr Neurosci. 2019 Dec 30;18(4):401-408
6. Deng CK, Mu ZH, Miao YH, Liu YD, Zhou L, Huang YJ, Zhang F, Wang YY, Yang ZH, Qian ZY, Wang X, Guo JZ, Zhang MY, Liao XY, Wan Q, Lu D, Zou YY. Gastrodin Ameliorates Motor Learning Deficits Through Preserving Cerebellar Long-Term Depression Pathways in Diabetic Rats. Front. Neurosci. 2019;13:1239. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01239
7. Liu R, Liao XY, Tang JC, Pan MX, Chen SF, Lu PX, Lu LJ, Zhang ZF, Zou YY, Bu LH, Qin XP, Wan Q*. BpV(pic) confers neuroprotection by inhibiting M1 microglial polarization and MCP-1 expression in rat traumatic brain injury. Mol Immunol. 2019;112:30-39
8. Liao XY, Lei Y, Chen SF, Cheng J, Zhao D, Zhang ZF, Han X, Zhang Y, Liao HB, Zhuang Y, Chen J, Zhou HB Wan Q*, Zhou YY*. The neuroprotective effect of bisperoxovandium (pyridin-2-squaramide) in intracerebral hemorrhage. Drug Design, Development and Therapy. 2019 Jun 13;13:1957-1967. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S204956
9. Cui Y, Wan Q*. NKT Cells in Neurological Diseases. Front. Cell. Neurosci., 2019: 13:245
10. Liu R, Liao XY, Pan MX, Tang JC, Chen SF, Zhang Y, Lu PX, Lu LJ, Zou YY, Qin XP, Bu LH, Wan Q*. Glycine Exhibits Neuroprotective Effects in Ischemic Stroke in Rats through the Inhibition of M1 Microglial Polarization via the NF-κB p65/Hif-1α Signaling Pathway. J Immunol. 2019;202(6):1704-1714
11. Lei Y, Zhang ZF, Lei RX, Wang S, Zhuang Y, Liu AC, Wu Y, Chen J, Tang JC, Pan MX, Liu R, Liao WJ, Feng YG, Wan Q*, Zheng M*. DJ-1 Suppresses Cytoplasmic TDP-43 Aggregation in Oxidative Stress-Induced Cell Injury. J Alzheimers Dis. 2018 Oct 22. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180460
12. Wang C, Zhang J, Tang J, Li YY, Gu Y, Yu Y, Xiong J, Zhao X, Zhang Z, Li TT, Chen J, Wan Q, Zhang Z. Lysophosphatidic acid induces neuronal cell death via activation of asparagine endopeptidase in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Exp Neurol. 2018 Apr 17;306:1-9
13. Chen J, Hu R, Liao H, Zhang Y, Lei R, Zhang Z, Zhuang Y, Wan Y, Jin P, Feng H, Wan Q*. A non-ionotropic activity of NMDA receptors contributes to glycine-induced neuroprotection in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Scientific Reports. 2017; 7: 3575. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03909-0
14. Zhang ZF, Chen J, Han X, Zhang Y, Liao HB, Lei RX, Zhuang Y, Wang ZF, Li Z, Chen JC, Liao WJ, Zhou HB, Liu F, Wan Q*. Bisperoxovandium (pyridin-2-squaramide) Targets Both PTEN and Erk1/2 to Confer Neuroprotection. British Journal of Pharmacology 2017; 174(8):641–656. doi: 10.1111/bph.13727
15. Chen M, Shu S, Yan HH, Pei L, Wang ZF, Wan Q, Bi LL. Hippocampal Endothelin-1 decreases excitability of pyramidal neurons and produces anxiolytic effects. Neuropharmacology. 2017 Mar 13. pii: S0028-3908(17)30106-5. doi: 10.1016/j.
16. Zhang X, Chen XP, Lin JB, Xiong Y, Liao WJ, Wan Q*. Effect of enriched environment on angiogenesis and neurological functions in rats with focal cerebral ischemia. Brain Research. 2017; 1655:176-185
17. Li LJ, Hu R, Lujan B, Chen J, Zhang JJ, Nakano Y, Cui TY, Liao M, Chen JC, Man H, Feng H, Wan Q*. Glycine Potentiates AMPA Receptor Function through Metabotropic Activation of GluN2A-containing NMDA Receptors. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2016; 9:102.
18. Chen J, Zhuang Y, Zhang ZF, Wang S, Jin P, He C, Hu PC, Wang ZF, Li ZQ, Xia GM, Li G, Wang Y, Wan Q*. Glycine confers neuroprotection through microRNA-301a/PTEN signaling. Molecular Brain. 2016; 26; 9(1):59.
19. Hu R, Sun H, Zhang Q, Chen J, Wu N, Meng H, Cui G, Hu S, Li F, Lin J, Wan Q, Feng H. G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 mediated estrogenic neuroprotection against spinal cord injury. Crit Care Med 2012; 40(12):3230-7.
20. Zheng M, Liao M, Cui T, Fan DS, and Wan Q*: Regulation of nuclear TDP-43 by NR2A-containing NMDA receptor and phosphatase PTEN. J Cell Science2012; 125:1556-67
21. Hu R, Duan B, Wang D, Yu Y, Li W, Luo H, Lu P, Lin J, Zhu G, Wan Q and Feng H: Role of acid-sensing ion channel 1a in the secondary damage of traumatic spinal cord injury. Annals of Surgery 2011;254:1–10
22. Chang N, Li L, Hu R, Shan Y, Liu B, Li L, Wang H, Feng H, Wang D, Cheung CC, Liao M and Wan Q*: Differential regulation of NMDA receptor function by DJ-1 and PINK1. Aging Cell. 2010; 9:837–850
23. Cheung CC, Yang C, Berger T, Zaugg K, Reilly P, Elia AJ, Wakeham A, You-Ten A, Chang N, Li LJ, Wan Q, and Mak TW: Identification of BERP (brain-expressed Ring finger protein) as a p53 target gene that modulates seizure susceptibility through interacting with GABA-A receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010; 107(26):11883-8
24. Liu B, Li L, Zhang Q, Chang N, Wang D, Shan Y, Li L, Wang H, Feng H, Zhang L, Brann DW and Wan Q*: Preservation of GABAA receptor function by PTEN inhibition protects against neuronal death in ischemic stroke. Stroke 2010; 41(5):1018-26
25. Shan Y, Liu B, Li L, Chang N, Li L, Wang H, Wang D, Feng H, Sugita S, and Wan Q*: Regulation of PINK1 by NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in ischemic neuronal injury. Journal of Neurochemistry 2009; 111(5): 1149-1160
26. Li L, El-Hayek YH, Liu BS, Chen Y, Gomez E, Wu XH, Ning K, Li LJ, Chang C, Zhang L, Wang ZG, Hu X, Wan Q*: Direct-current Electrical Field Guides Neural Stem/progenitor Cell Migration. Stem Cells 2008; 26(7): 1610-1836
27. Li L and Wan Q*: rSac3, a new member of Sac domain phosphoinositide phosphatases family. Cell Research 2007; 17:1-3
28. Chang N, El-Hayek YH, Gomez E and Wan Q*: Phosphatase PTEN in neuronal injury and brain disorders. Trends in Neurosciences 2007; 30(11): 581-586
29. Liu B, Liao M, Mielke JG, Li L, Chen Y, Ning K, El-Hayek YH, Zukin RS, Fehlings MG, Wan Q*: Ischemic insults direct GluR2-lacking AMPA receptors to synaptic sites. Journal of Neuroscience, 2006; 26(20):5309-19
30. Ji SP, Zhang Y, Cleemput JV, Jiang W, Liao M, Li L, Wan Q, Backstrom JR & Zhang X: Disruption of protein-protein coupling between PTEN and serotonin 5-HT2C receptor suppresses marijuana rewarding effects. Nature Medicine 2006;12(3):324-9
31. Ning K, Li L, Liao M, Liu B, Mielke JG, Chen Y, Duan Y, El-Hayek YH, Wan Q*: Circadian regulation of GABA(A) receptor function by CKIepsilon-CKIdelta in the rat suprachiasmatic nuclei. Nature Neuroscience. 2004; 7(5):489-490
32. Ning K, Pei L, Liao M, Liu B, Zhang Y, Jiang W, Mielke JG, Li L, Chen Y, El-Hayek YH, Fehlings MG, Zhang X, Liu F, Eubanks J, Wan Q*: Dual neuroprotective signaling mediated by downregulating two distinct phosphatase activities of PTEN. Journal of Neuroscience. 2004; 24(16):4052-60
33. Liu F, Wan Q, Pristupa ZB, Yu XM, Wang YT, Niznik HB: Direct protein-protein coupling enables cross-talk between dopamine D5 and γ-aminobutyric acid A receptors. Nature. 2000; 403:274-280
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