具有免疫学、神经科学和细胞生物学研究背景,长期从事神经科学及相关重大疾病的研究。在国际学术期刊上发表多篇高水平研究论文。在Nature Communication发表论著,首次提出了突触可塑性的表达在神经元单个突触水平上的存在。在Neuron杂志上发表论著,证明KIAA2022基因的功能丧失会导致神经发育异常及轻度至严重智障与自闭,并发现淀粉样β蛋白调节AMPA受体的泛素化,进而损害神经元突触可塑性的表达。
2018-至今 青岛大学神经再生与康复研究院,特聘教授
2014-2017 哈佛大学医学院波士顿儿童医院,博士后
2006-2013 波士顿大学,研究员
2004-2004 新加坡国立大学,研究员
19.Direct Tumor Killing and Immunotherapy through Anti-SerpinB9 Therapy.Jiang L, Wang YJ, Zhao J, Uehara M, Hou Q, Kasinath V, Ichimura T, Banouni N, Dai L, Li X, Greiner DL, Shultz LD, Zhang X, Sun ZJ, Curtin I, Vangos NE, Yeoh ZC, Geffken EA, Seo HS, Liu ZX, Heffron GJ, Shah K, Dhe-Paganon S, Abdi R.Cell. 2020 Nov 25;183(5):1219-1233.e18. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.10.045.PMID: 33242418
18. Hou Q, Liu F, Chakraborty A, Jia Y, Prasad A, Yu H, Zhao L, Ye K, Snyder SH, Xu Y6, Luo HR. (2018). Inhibition of IP6K1 suppresses neutrophil-mediated pulmonary damage in bacterial pneumonia.Sci Transl Med. Apr 4;10(435):eaal4045.
17. Bajrami B, Zhu H, Kwak HJ, Mondal S, Hou Q, Geng G, Karatepe K, Zhang YC, Nombela-Arrieta C, Park SY, Loison F, Sakai J, Xu Y,Silberstein LE, Luo HR. (2016). G-CSF maintains controlled neutrophil mobilization during acute inflammation by negatively regulating CXCR2 signaling. J Exp Med. Sep 19; 213(10):1999-2018.
16. Hou Q, Ruan H, Gillbert J, Wang G, Ma Q, Yao W and Man H. (2015). MicroRNA miR124 is required for the expression of homeostatic synaptic plasticity. Nature Communications. Dec 1;6:10045
15. Ning L, Li Z, Wang G, Hu W, Hou Q, Tong Y, Zhang M, Chen Y, Qin L, Chen X, Man HY, Liu P, He J. (2015). Quantitative assessment of single-cell whole genome amplification methods for detecting copy number variation using hippocampal neurons. Sci Rep.19;5:11415
14. Huo Y, Khatri N, Hou Q, Gilbert J, Wang G, Man HY. (2015). The deubiquitinating enzyme USP46 regulates AMPA receptor ubiquitination and trafficking. J Neurochem. 134(6):1067-80
13. Van Maldergem L, Hou Q, Kalscheuer VM, Rio M, Doco-Fenzy M, Medeira A, Brouwer A, Cabrol C, Haas S, Cacciagli P, Moutton S, Landais E, Motte J, Colleaux L, Bonnet C, Villard L, Dupont J and Man H. (2013). Loss of KIAA2022 function causes mild to severe intellectual disability with an autism spectrum disorder and impairs neurite outgrowth. Hum Mol Genet. 22(16):3306-14
12. Hou Q and Man H. (2012). Input-specific homeostatic regulation of AMPA receptor accumulation at central synapses. Communicative & Integrative Biology 5:6, 1–4
11. Jo H, Mondal S, Tan D, Nagata E, Takizawa S, Sharma AK, Hou Q, Shanmugasundaram K, Prasad A, Tung JK, Tejeda AO, Man H, Rigby AC, Luo HR. (2012). Small molecule-induced cytosolic activation of protein kinase Akt rescues ischemia-elicited neuronal death. PNAS, 109(26), 10581-6
10. Hou Q, Gilbert J, Man HY.(2011). Homeostatic regulation of AMPA receptor trafficking and degradation by light-controlled single-synaptic activation. Neuron, 72 (5): 806-818
9. Lin A, Hou Q, Jarzylo L, Amato S, Gibert J, Shang F and Man H. (2011). Nedd4-mediated AMPA receptor ubiquitination regulates receptor turnover and trafficking. Journal of Neurochemistry, 119(1) 27-39
8. Zhang D, Hou Q, Wang M, Lin A, Navis A, Raissi A, Liu F, Man HY. (2009). Na, K-ATPase activity regulates AMPA receptor turnover through proteasome-mediated proteolysis. J Neurosci., 29 (14): 4498-511
7. Hou Q, Huang Y, Amato S, Solomon H, Snyder R, Huganir RL, Man HY. (2008). Regulation of AMPA receptor localization in lipid rafts.Mol. Cel. Neurosci., 38 (2): 213-23
6. Hou Q, Zhang D, Jarzylo L, Huganir RL, Man HY. (2008). Homeostatic regulation of AMPA receptor expression at single hippocampal synapses. PNAS, 105(2), 775-80
5. Guo M, Hou Q, Hew C, Pan S. (2007). AgrobacteriumVirD2-binding protein is involved in tumorigenesis and redundantly encoded in conjugative transfer gene clusters.MPMI, 20(10):1201-12
4. Li L, Jia Y, Hou Q, Charles T, Nester E and Pan S. (2002). A global pH sensor:Agrobacteriumsensor protein ChvG regulates acid-inducible genes on its two chromosomes and Ti plasmid. PNAS. 99: 12369-74
3. Jia Y, Li L, Hou Qand Pan S. (2002). AnAgrobacteriumchromosomal gene involved in tumorigenesis encodes an outer membrane protein exposed on the bacterial cell surface. Gene. 284: 113-24
2. Wu H, Li J, Peng L, Liu H, Wu W, Zhou Y, Hou Q, Kong D. (2001). Anti-human platelet tetraspanin (CD9) monoclonal antibodies induce platelet integrin αⅡbβ3 activation in a Fc receptor-independent fashion. Chinese medical J. 114(1):14-8
1. Wu H, Peng L, Li J, Wu W, Hou Q, Liu H, Wang M. (1999). Reversible Exposure of Human Platelet Fibrinogen Receptors by Antiplatelet Tetraspanin Monoclonal Antibodies via Induction of a Conformational Change in Membrane Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Complex. Thromosis Researcch 95(5) 245-53
1. Hou Q, Jarzylo L, Zhang D, Huganir R, Man H. Inhibition of single synaptic input activity induces homeostatic regulation in AMPA receptor synaptic expression. 36thsociety for neuroscience annual meeting, Atlanta, GA . (2006)
2. Hou Q, Deisseroth K, Isacoff E, Man H. Activity-dependent removal of AMPA receptors at single synapses. 38thsociety for neuroscience annual meeting. Washington, DC (2008)
3. Hou Q and Man H. Activity-dependent homeostatic regulation of AMPA receptor localization at single synapses. 40thsociety for neuroscience annual meeting. Washington, San Diego, CA. (2010)