Shahaf Peleg
德国慕尼黑大学博士后,主要从事组蛋白乙酰化与年龄、记忆和代谢之间联系与相互影响方面的研究,取得了突出成果。在国际顶尖杂志上发表多篇论著,特别是在Science杂志上发表论著揭示了组蛋白乙酰化的改变与年龄相关记忆障碍疾病密切相关。此外Shahaf Peleg博士还在EMBO Reports, Trends in Biochemical Sciences杂志上发表重要论著和多篇综述。
2007 – 2010: Dr. rer. nat. (Summa cum laude), European Neuroscience Institute (ENI), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany Research field: Epigenetics, Neuroscience & Aging
2003 – 2006: Bachelor of Science,Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel Research field: Biology
2017- present: Full Professor, Laboratory for metabolism and epigenetics in brain ageing, Institute of Neuroregeneration & Neurorehabilitation, Qingdao University School of Medicine, Qingdao, China
2017- present: Visiting scientist, Munich Center of Integrated Protein Science and Biomedical Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany
01/’16 – 04/’16: Post-doctoral fellow visit, Department of Developmental Biology and Neurosciences, Laboratory of Neuroethology, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
2011-2016 Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Physiological Chemistry/Butenandt Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany
03/’11 – 04/’11 Visiting scientist, Andreas Ladurner lab, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Genome, Biology Unit, Heidelberg, Germany
2014: FöFoLe research grant, 1.5 years grant for supervising MD doctoral student
2013: AXA Research Fund, 2 years Post doc fellowship (120,000€)
2012: Munich<interact>Symposium, Prize for best talk
2011: German Neuroscience Society,Schilling Research Award (20,000€)
2010: Horizons, Göttingen, Student talk prize award
2010: Spetses Summer School, Best poster prize
2010: Spetses Summer School, Travel stipend
2009: Minerva Stiftung, 2 years stipend of Max Planck
2006: IMPRS stipend, 2.5 years stipend
2005: Weizmann Institute of Science,The Amos De-Shalit Summer programaward
12.Irenede Diego,ShahafPeleg,BeateFuchs(2019)"The role of lipids in aging-related metabolic changes".Chemistry and Physics of Lipids.10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2019.05.005
Author links open overlay panel
11.Jonathan Gaucher, Kenichiro Kinouchi, Nicholas Ceglia, Emilie Montellier, Shahaf Peleg, View ORCID ProfileCarolina Magdalen Greco, Andreas Schmidt, Ignasi Forne, Selma Masri, Pierre Baldi, Axel Imhof, and Paolo Sassone-Corsi(2019)"Distinct metabolic adaptation of liver circadian pathways to acute and chronic patterns of alcohol intake".PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.10.1073/pnas.1911189116
10.Irenede Diego,AnnikaMüller-Eigner,ShahafPeleg(2019)"The Brain Epigenome Goes Drunk: Alcohol Consumption Alters Histone Acetylation and Transcriptome."Trends in Biochemical Sciences.doi.org/10.1016/j.tibs.2019.11.002
Author links open overlay panel"Author links open overlay panelIrenede Diego1AnnikaMüller-Eigner1ShahafPeleg
9.Louisa Jutta Dietz1, Anuroop Venkateswaran Venkatasubramani1, Annika Müller-Eigner2, Martin Hrabe de Angelis3,4,5, Axel Imhof1, Lore Becker3,Shahaf Peleg*(2019)"Measuring and Interpreting Oxygen Consumption Rates in Whole Fly Head Segments."BIOCHEMISTRY,doi:10.3791/58601Published: January 7, 2019
8. Lore Becker, Melanie Schmitt Nogueira,Caroline Klima, Melanie Schmitt, Shahaf Peleg*(2018)."Rapid and transient oxygen consumption increase following acute HDAC/KDAC inhibition in Drosophila tissue". Scientific Reports, 8, 199
7.Shahaf Peleg(2017) “Delaying the appointment in samarra “. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 42, 681-682. Featured interview in fresh perspective from emerging experts series
6. Darren J Baker and Shahaf Peleg* (2017) “Biphasic modeling of mitochondrial metabolismdysregulation during aging“.Trends in Biochemical Sciences,42, 702-711.
5. Axel Imhof* and Shahaf Peleg*(2016). From HDACi to KDACi: We need to revisit nonepigenetic pathways affected by inhibiting lysine deacetylases in therapy“. OpinionEMBO reports, 17, 1673. *Co-Corresponding authors
4. Shahaf Peleg*, Christian Feller, Andreas Ladurner, Axel Imhof* (2016). “The metabolic impact on histone acetylation and transcription in ageing“. Trends in Biochemical Sciences,41, 700-711.
3. Shahaf Peleg, Christian Feller , Ignasi Forne , Evelyn Schiller , Daniel Charles Sévin , Tamas Schauer , Tobias Straub , Matthias Prestel , Catherine Regnard , Caroline Klima , Melanie Schmitt , Lore Becker , Thomas Klopstock , Uwe Sauer , Peter Becker , Axel Imhof, Andreas Ladurner (2016). “Lifespan extension by targeting a link between metabolism and histone acetylation in Drosophila“. EMBO Reports, 17, 455-469.
2. Selma Masri, Vishal R. Patel, Kristin L. Eckel-Mahan, Shahaf Peleg, Ignasi Forne, Andreas G.Ladurner, Pierre Baldi, Axel Imhof, and Paolo Sassone-Corsi (2013). “Circadian acetylome reveals regulation of mitochondrial metabolic pathways”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 3339-44.
1. Shahaf Peleg, Farahnaz Sananbenesi, Athanasios Zovoilis, Susanne Burkhardt, Sanaz Bahari-Javan, Roberto Carlos Agis-Balboa, Perla Cota, Jessica Lee Wittnam, Andreas Gogol-Doering, Lennart Opitz, Gabriella Salinas-Riester, Markus Dettenhofer, Hui Kang, Laurent Farinelli, Wei Chen & Andre Fischer (2010). “Altered histone acetylation is associated with age-dependent memory impairment”. Science, 328, 753-756.
1. Talk: “Exploring the impact of altered metabolic activity on epigenetics during early aging”, Cancer symposium Zhengzhou, China; 2017
2. Talk: “Exploring the connection between metabolism and epigenetics during ageing and memory impairment”, Cork, Ireland; 2017
3. Talk: “Exploring the connection between metabolism and epigenetics during ageing”, BAD meeting, Boston, USA; 2016
4. Talk: “Exploring the connection between metabolism and epigenetics during ageing”, Calico labs, San Francisco, USA; 2016
5. Talk and poster: “The metabolism – epigenetics connectivity during early ageing”, Keystone meeting, Santa Fe, USA; 2016
6. Invited talk: “The metabolism – histone acetylation connectivity during early ageing in Drosophila”, Cologne, Germany; 2016
7. Invited talk: “Protein acetylation during ageing in Drosophila”, Toyko, Japan; 2016
8. Invited talk: “Protein acetylation during early ageing in Drosophila” Neurizons, Göttingen, Germany; 2015
9. Talk: “Attenuation of age-associated increases in acetylation promotes Drosophila longevity”, Harvard-LMU meeting, Munich, Germany; 2015
10. Plenary lecture: “Memory consolidation during aging: The role of histone acetylation along gene-coding regions”, German Neuroscience Meeting, Göttingen, Germany; 2011
11. Invited talk: “Altered histone 4 K12 acetylation is associated with age dependent memory impairment”, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, USA; 2010
12. Invited talk: “An altered hippocampal histone code is associated with age dependent memory impairment”. Queen’s college Cambridge, UK; 2009
13. Poster:“Reduced chromatin plasticity accounts for impairment learning and memory in the aging brain”. Molecular Mechanisms of Aging and Age-Related Disease, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; 2009